Our health and wellbeing is the greatest possession we have and speaks volumes about a community’s harmony and structure.
Many within our community suffer illnesses due to poor diet, no physical exercise and lack of awareness about our own bodies.

The following information is regarding issues affecting the black community.
Please distribute the articles made available.


Food and Diet Specialist

Derin Bepo is a Natural Health consultant, Raw Food specialist, Natural healer, Health mentor, Broadcaster and Lecturer who has spent 30 years researching natural health secrets. Derin has developed HealthRestore®, a programme of natural healing and rejuvenation courses that educate others to understand the importance of deep cleansing and natural health principles to defeat health challenges and strategies to reverse the ageing process.

Derin is now holding workshops at Pempamsie – 102 Brixton Hill, SW2 
every Friday evening.

Contact Details: 
HealthRestore® Cleansing Programme
T: 0845 458 5487
E: derin@healthrestore.net 


Physical Training & Exercise

Pablo Menfesawe-Imani is the author of ‘Afrikan Yoga A Practical Guide To Wellbeing Through Smai Posture, Breath and Meditation’,

Pablo is a Holistic Health & Wellness Consultant, Iconographic artist, and International African Yoga Instructor. Pablo M Imani is also the Founder of Afrikan Yoga established in the UK and Ghana and The Tamare Smai School of Afrikan Yoga. Pablo provides teacher training in Afrikan Yoga.

Contact Details: 
E: mail@afrikanyoga.com

For Afrikan Yoga getaways in Egypt, log on to www.yoganile.com