Our women’s wellbeing for pregnancy and beyond
Our women’s wellbeing for pregnancy and beyond
Interview with Leah Salmon founder of Naturally You Coach
Leah Salmon is a home educating mother, wife, author, speaker, nutritionist, life coach & live blood analyst. Working in the community for many years Leah has helped empower black women to improve their wellbeing.
As part of your consultancy you do Live Blood Analysis. What does that entail?
To do this I take blood from the finger, place it on a slide and put under the microscope and project it onto the screen. I show you round what I can see in your blood which is magnified 1000 times. So I am able to see the white blood cells, red blood cells, plasma and the platelets. From the shape, size and positioning of the cells we can see indications of different things to do with your health.
It’s like a reflection of your health.
The process is not meant to treat, cure or diagnose anything, and the Advertising Standards Agency makes sure we don’t ever make that claim. But it does give us a very clear indication of what is going on in the person’s body so that does help in giving dietary recommendations as well. It’s very interesting.
You have worked to help women improve their health for many years. How and why did you start this journey?
When I was 11years old I decided I wanted to be a vegetarian. My mum obliged as long as I was getting enough protein. So in everybody’s estimation if you are a young growing girl you need to get a source of protein, and the only way was through soya. So I was led down the path of eating soya at least 3 times a day. I had soya milk, soya cheese, soya burgers, even soya bacon. Literally, soya everything. In the midst of eating insane amounts of soya I also very rarely ate fresh fruits and vegetables. I rarely made meals from scratch. Like me making a meal would be like boiling pasta and putting cheese on top and a soya sausage. That was the extent of my culinary skills, so I was what I called a junk food vegetarian. So as long as there wasn’t any meat, poultry or fish in it then I ate it. I wasn’t vegan.
So I had pizza and spicy bean burgers from the take away. By the time I was 17 I developed a menstrual condition called Metrorrhagia where I would bleed between my periods. So I would have my regular period and 2 weeks later I had another period. And this lasted for about 2 years and came with all the other symptoms of PMS. I had the extreme pain, heaviness, clots, the skin eruptions, food cravings and the emotional instabilities. But when I was 17years old this Metrorrhagia developed as well and this lasted until I was about 19years old. And I kept it that long because I did not want to tell anyone about it. I found it very embarrassing to have those problems. I thought I was being punished and I did not link it to the food I was eating as I was under the presumption (and a lot of the clients I work with are under the same impression) that to be vegan/vegetarian then I am healthy and there is no way my food can impact my health. Read More